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The Onion Cycles Podcast

Episode 52: Become Nobody, To Be Somebody

If we allow ourselves to shed all the layers and become a nobody, there is an endless amount of possibilities to grow into anybody.
This meditation is dedicated to exactly that: Connecting the dots between where we started off a year ago and then where we are now, simultaneously however freeing us from all preconception of how it (or we) should be.

Episode 51: WE - the onions

We are almost through our year and as one last time talking about this adventure that is self-empiric research in the name of getting to know our Self, I thought it fitting to open up my very own personal book of life and see if I can highlight pillars that assist me throughout my own journey. And the output I am proud to present here- the four pillars I can always count on, acquired through ten years of my own self-empiric research campaign.

Episode 50: The Wrap Up Series, Part 4

It is time to recap, reflect deeply and gather all the tools in our toolbox: What served us and what did not? How did we change? In what way did our outside world transform?
This week we dive into part 4 of 4.

Episode 49: The Wrap Up Series, Part 3

It is time to recap, reflect deeply and gather all the tools in our toolbox: What served us and what did not? How did we change? In what way did our outside world transform?
This week we dive into part 3 of 4..

Episode 48: The Wrap Up Series, Part 2

It is time to recap, reflect deeply and gather all the tools in our toolbox: What served us and what did not? How did we change? In what way did our outside world transform?
This week we dive into part 2 of 4.

Episeode 47: The Wrap Up Series, Part 1

It is time to recap, reflect deeply and gather all the tools in our toolbox: What served us and what did not? How did we change? In what way did our outside world transform?
This week we dive into part 1 of 4 and contemplate episode 1 through 8.

Episode 46: Belonging

How do we define belonging?
How did our definition of belonging affect our life so far?
How can it change our way of living in the future if we dare to redefine what true, authentic, unconditionally loving belonging means to us individually?

Episode 45: Curate Your Self

Everything shapes and interacts with us, therefore it is imperative to become conscious of the subtleties that curating our life equals self-responsibility and, furthermore, self-empowerment.

Episode 44: Fragments Of Self

We all are a kaleidoscope of fragments that together build the mosaic that is our Self. Understanding what these fragments can look like and that they can act consciously or unconsciously is vital to better understanding why we act the way we do.

Episode 43: The Tyranny Of How

The tyranny of HOW, I believed coined thus by Tony Robbins, is our topic of this week. And as we go on a ramble about how it can look like and why it is there, we most certainly will focus on what it is we can do to discard it all together.

Episode 42: A Meditation to Ease Grief

An attempt to comfort you in whatever you are grieving.

Episode 41: Grief

It is time to come into a wholeness that envelops us with grace and love, highlighting the wisdom grief has to offer.

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